Whew, that's a lot of paints.įrom the Nesbet Miniatures blog, it comes in the form of a number of. Color Ranges include: FS595, RGB, BS381c, RAL, RLM, US ANA, US Navy, Humbrol, XtraColor, XtraCrylix, White Ensign, Airfix, Testors, Polly Scale, Pactra, Vallejo, Life Color, Revell, Andrea Color, Heller, Tamiya, Gunze Aqueous, Mr Color, Quarter MAster, Imperial Japanese, and of course Citadel Colours. Since it is aimed more at scale modelers rather than miniature painters it can be very useful for finding comparisons with the paint ranges outside of Citadel, Vallejo, Reaper, and P3 that most miniature paint charts focus on. This one has a metric buttload of different paint ranges to compare and quite honestly can be a bit overwhelming. The Ultimate Model Paint Conversion Chart These first charts cover quite a few different paint ranges including many that are not widely used for painting miniatures. You call that selection? THIS (see upcoming segment) is selection!

I'm sure there are more good ones out there so if you know of any, let me know in the comments and I'll add them to the list. I have stumbled upon several in my travels through the interwebs, and I wanted to share them all in one place rather than being scattered to the eight corners of the forums and blogoshphere. What I will be covering is a number of equivalency charts that let you find similar colors in different paint ranges/brands, and then I will share a very useful post that will show you how to create any Citadel paint color (even some of the discontinued ones) with only 5 colors of paint. No, I'm not going to go over which brand is best, that dead horse has been beaten so much it's not even recognizable any more. Hey everybody, Chaoshead here again with a quick post about painting. I'm way too OCD organized to ever have paints looking like this.